Forum Replies Created
October 4, 2016 at 8:19 am #5143
Do you mean for the Tap Write feature? The transpose feature is already Midi channel dependent and you can select different channel configurations in the global menu.
I thought it´s good to have Tap Write on omni. Can you please describe a usecase for when you´d need Midi channel specific Tap Write?
October 4, 2016 at 8:16 am #5142I have an idea! Can you check the global menu, encoder 9 (Trigger Enbl) and verify that it´s set to “off”. Then try the modwheel again.
Reason being: by sending CC1 you might trigger a pattern load command and might accidentally load an empty pattern, thus resetting all the parameters.
October 1, 2016 at 3:32 pm #5134Hi Francesco,
sorry for the late reply, only saw yor question today.
Can you please clarify your question? What do you want to do exactly?
So far we have tested the SysEx import/export with a PC and also with another Zaquencer (Zaquencer => Zaquencer) and both worked fine.October 1, 2016 at 3:27 pm #5133ah posted at the same time… I do not know of any problems with the new updates as of yet.
Have you tried Elektron C6 for upload? Maybe that works better for you?October 1, 2016 at 3:25 pm #5132Hi Rafael,
sorry to hear about your problems. I haven´t heard of this one before.
Have you tried going back to the old Zaquencer version?Have you also tried with the original Behringer firmware to see how that behaves?
But watch out, this might overwrite your Zaquencer patterns.September 28, 2016 at 12:39 pm #5119Regarding Pitch Change: Yes your thinking is correct, that´s how it works.
Regarding Clock pass through: yes you can look at it that way, that it will be merged with the respective Midi data the Zaquencer creates and be placed on the selected output.
Transpose Enable: yes that´s also correct.
Trigger Enable: this has been greatly expanded with update 1.5.
Changing patterns is now a part of the Midi Remote functionality. For all commands see page 36 in the manual. For example, to load pattern 24 with no mutes, you´d have to send CC 0, value 23 (because this starts counting at 0) to the Zaquencer.
As of now only all 4 tracks together can have their pattern changed by the Remote command.Regarding CCs, when the “Note Mute” paramter is set to mute, only the note part is being muted. The CC will still get sent out. When the track is muted in the Mixer Menu, no Midi data will be created at all.
September 28, 2016 at 12:29 pm #5118Like Francisco wrote, the WaveGen should not be confused with an LFO. It is there to create a static wave that can be placed into a parameter. Maybe that´s what caused the confusion.
September 28, 2016 at 12:26 pm #5117The overlay should be printed at “actual size” or 100%.
We´ve tested this a couple of times and it always yielded an overlay of the correct size.September 26, 2016 at 7:34 am #5105Hi Eliah,
what do you mean exactly by “couldn´t turn it off”?
Did it keep randomizing or couldn´t you exit the menu mode?The way it´s designed is that you hold the “Wave Gen” button, press another lit up button to apply the Wave Gen. Then when you let go of the “Wave Gen” button it exits the Wave Gen mode.
Have you tried changing to a menu (like the Global menu) if it does not work like described? What happens?
September 19, 2016 at 6:54 am #5095Hi Jordan,
OK here´s a quick step-by-step. This is on the base of a freshly initialized Zaquencer with all the default values and will record a series of notes into track 1.- connect midi keyboard to Zaquencer Midi In (was on Midi Channel 1, but should not matter)
- check that green “IN” LED lights up on BCR when playing notes on the keyboard
- mute all notes in track 1 => hold “Note Mute” and turn any encoder to the left
- hit “Inst Select”
- hit “Page >” (LCD shows MOn)
- hit “Stop/Play”
- practice sequence
- hit “Page >” (LCD shows rEC)
- record sequence
- hit “Page >” (LCD shows notE) to exit recording modeDone! The sequencer is now playing and will play back the recorded sequence.
I´ve just followed these steps myself to make sure they work and hope they´ll solve your problem.September 17, 2016 at 7:56 am #5093Hi Jordan,
I´m happy to help with the tap write.
Are there any specific questions you have beyond what the manual and the 1.5 video explains?September 17, 2016 at 7:43 am #5092Hi Maurizio,
kudos on checking out the Drum mode!
From what you tell, the only explanation I can think of would be that individual drum channels are muted.
Have you looked in “Mixer Mode”? Make sure that in Mixer mode, no one of the 16 top left buttons are continuously lit, because this will mute the corresponding drum instrument.Either that, or the drum note mappings in global menu could be wonky, but it sounds like you checked that out.
Let me know how you go!
ChristianSeptember 12, 2016 at 10:07 am #5078Hi Jacobo,
thanks for your question!
At the moment it´s not possible to store multiple global settings inside the Zaquencer.I don´t know if it´s practical for you, but you can export the global settings via SysEx and then reimport them to change all settings at once.
September 4, 2016 at 6:45 am #5061Thanks guys, added your latest infos.
Fabi, can you please go more into detail about which Prodipe interface you´ve used?
Also, do you have a link to the thomann one?
Is it this one? 31, 2016 at 8:14 am #5052Hi Michael,
glad that you found the necessary info and that you like the change.
It´s not easy to decide on UI changes like this that may alter the experience, but in this case I think it was worth it and am happy that you guys agree!Cheers!