Ratcheting per Step. Ratcheting like Tangerine Dream Music

Home Forums Feature Wishlist Ratcheting per Step. Ratcheting like Tangerine Dream Music

This topic contains 65 replies, has 22 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of gel@bs gel@bs 7 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 66 total)
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  • #2486
    Avatar of Alexander Hahn
    Alexander Hahn

    +1 Another request for ratcheting!

    I like option A better, seems simpler to use.

    Avatar of TV Treated
    TV Treated

    or something like this at 3’10″ http://youtu.be/JzavS5Tp6Ao

    But even without this the zaquencer is a fine piece of software, cheers

    Avatar of Chromie

    I think a modified version A would work fine for me. What I envision is an on and an off bit. The “on bit” turns on ratcheting for every step until it hits an “off bit”. Having it repeat with the global NOTE REPEAT rate would be fine.

    I could turn ratcheting on at step 3, off at 5, on at 9 and off at 15, on at 18 and off at 19, on at 22 and off at 32. (for example)

    Avatar of ordevaks

    b version

    Avatar of Citric

    sorry, but will there a ratcheting feature now ?

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Citric,
    I´m currently still working on the Midi Sysex Import/Export, but that should be ready very soon with version 1.03. I´m planning to work on more fun features like the ratcheting right after that for 1.04.

    As always I´m not making any promises, I can only say at the moment that it´s planned. I will know more when I started working on it.

    Avatar of Luigi

    +1 for option B.

    Thanks for your work Cristian!

    Avatar of Christian

    A little preview for 1.04:

    Avatar of Luigi


    Avatar of Chase

    Looks interesting. Is there any chance this can be used to repeat steps like a system 100 sequencer? I thought about requesting the feature, but figured there was no more room.

    It has a switch per step and you can select repeat #, but it changes the length of the sequence when you add repeats.

    Like this:

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Avatar of Chase Chase.
    Avatar of Citric

    yes Christian, thanks…thats it !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Avatar of Tommy Down
    Tommy Down

    fantastic. any clues on functionality? Or just leaving us to quiver in the corner?

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi guys,

    Is there any chance this can be used to repeat steps like a system 100 sequencer? … it changes the length of the sequence when you add repeats.

    Unfortunately, this is not in the cards. The steps are absolute in time position throughout the whole sequencer design. It would mean a major redesign to make them relative to the prior step.

    any clues on functionality?

    The way it´s designed now is like in version B (see page 2 in this thread). You select ratcheting as a midi controller (alpha and/or beta) in the main menu and then you have 127 predefined ratcheting modes to select per step. Not all of these will be filled at release of the feature. The way it is now is that the last digit of the parameter setting denotes the nr of repeats (1-9, with “0″ meaning, repeat til the next step) and the first two digits denote the mode. The mode so far means the distance between repeats (counted in midi ticks), so the higher you set this, the longer the repeats will be spaced apart. I´m not sure yet how many distance settings are really needed, and I´m trying out what modes make sense at the moment.

    Avatar of alien_brain

    can one of the modes be like an echo with diminishing repeats? or maybe an echo that increases the space between successive repeats?

    Avatar of Tommy Down
    Tommy Down

    So the MIDI control is controlling the Zaq itself rather than the synth at the end of the cable?

    Without sacrificing a MIDI input?

    That would be great. Will we be able to use the wave generator on this during play?

    Mode suggestion! Ratcheted glide to next step!

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 66 total)

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